Town of Salem

A Game of Murder, Deception, Lying and Mob Hysteria

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Town of Salem is a fun and challenging game that puts your skills of deception and detection to the test! Each game hosts 7 to 15 players, randomly assigned to different alignments: Town, Mafia, Serial Killers, Arsonists, and Neutrals. If you’re on the Town side (the “good guys”), your mission is to find and eliminate the villains before they get to you. But there’s a twist—you won’t know who’s on your side and who’s out to get you! If you’re playing an evil role, your goal is to secretly eliminate Town members under the cover of night, all while avoiding their suspicion.


  • Town of Salem 2 – Season 4 Patch 1 📜🎉 Patch Notes (R1.4.07)

    Hey Townies! This patch marks the end of Season 3, bringing us into Season 4 which begins with off-season for ranked. Our main goals with this patch are to give the current roles in the game a healthy round of balance changes, reworks & updates + bring in a new role that has been heavily playtested. We hope you enjoy this update & we look forward to your feedback!... Read More

  • Town of Salem 2 – SEASON 4 RANKED 🏆📜🎉 Patch Notes (R1.4.06)

    Hey Townies! This patch marks the end of Season 3, bringing us into Season 4 which begins with off-season for ranked. Our main goals with this patch are to give the current roles in the game a healthy round of balance changes, reworks & updates + bring in a new role that has been heavily playtested. We hope you enjoy this update & we look forward to your feedback!... Read More

  • Town of Salem 2 – S4: Offseason Patch 5 📜🎉 Patch Notes (R1.4.05)

    Hey Townies! This patch marks the end of Season 3, bringing us into Season 4 which begins with off-season for ranked. Our main goals with this patch are to give the current roles in the game a healthy round of balance changes, reworks & updates + bring in a new role that has been heavily playtested. We hope you enjoy this update & we look forward to your feedback!... Read More

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